Tag: Times-Picayune

GSI Members Speak Out on H-2B in New Orleans Times-Picayune

GSI Members Speak Out on H-2B in New Orleans Times-Picayune

For a second time in one week, the Gulf Seafood Institute is making headlines. In an article for the New Orleans Times-Picayune three members are quoted by reporter Jed Lipinski on the importance of recently passed H-2B legislation for the survival of the Gulf seafood industry.

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NOLA.com: GSI’s Seafood Expertise Utilized in Lenten Seafood Price Story

NOLA.com: GSI’s Seafood Expertise Utilized in Lenten Seafood Price Story

The price of oysters, crabs and crawfish has risen by 25 percent this year, according to Harlon Pearce, a council member of the Gulf Seafood Institute.

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