Tag: Sysco Louisiana Seafood

The Gulf Seafood Foundation has announced a new slate of officers for 2019. Former Sysco Louisiana Seafood chairman Jim Gossen, a native of Lafayette, LA living in Houston, TX, will remain as the President of the organization formed to support and promote the high standards of the Gulf’s vast commercial and recreational fisheries industry.

As the 2016 South by Southwest (SXSW) Festival returns to Austin for the 30th time, the interactive incubator of cutting-edge technologies and digital creativity portion will feature five days of compelling presentations and panels from the brightest minds, including the Gulf Seafood Institute’s Texas Board Member Jim Gossen who will join three other presenters on a panel discussion on seafood by catch.

The Aristocrat, Caminada Bay, Beauregard and Champagne Bay oysters are changing the playing field for a Gulf oyster industry in decline since Hurricane Katrina and the Deepwater Horizon spill. These Louisiana oysters join others in Alabama as the first commercial success stories for farm raised oysters grown in off-bottom cages; breathing new life into the industry.

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton recently announced he would give his support to a law requiring streams, rivers and farm drainage systems to have a vegetative buffer. The proposal, revealed during a Minnesota Natural Resources roundtable, would create 125,000 acres of grassland that would create pheasant habitat and promote cleaner water.

TJ Tate, the sustainability director for Gulf Wild, was presented with the Seafood Champion Award for Vision. She was recognized for her pioneering work that included video monitoring on commercial fishing boats, creating collaboration between scientists and fishermen, and marketing of bycatch to avoid waste.

During Washington Mardi Gras in mid-January, the offices of the Gulf coast Congressional Delegation will once again be filled with members of the Gulf Seafood Institute spreading the message of the economic and environmental importance of the Gulf of Mexico and the seafood industries that it supports.
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