Tag: oystermen

Texas Parks & Wildlife Delays Oyster Harvesting Closures After Pressure From Oystermen and Public

Texas Parks & Wildlife Delays Oyster Harvesting Closures After Pressure From Oystermen and Public

After protest by oystermen and the public, the Texas Parks and Wildlife has delayed a vote on the proposed closure of three oyster bays for harvesting. The three bays are Carlos Bay, Mesquite Bay and Ayres Bay near Rockport. State biologists had warned harvesting in those areas has increased over the past decade and reefs have shown a low abundance of oysters relative to neighboring bays.

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Oystermen Are Original Environmentalists Use to Navigating Crisis After Crisis

Oystermen Are Original Environmentalists Use to Navigating Crisis After Crisis

Hurricanes, droughts, flooding and oil spills, the Louisiana Oyster Task Force had thought they had seen it all.  The norvell coronavirus that is sweeping through the state, the nation and the world is just one more obstacle to overcome and according to Task Force chairman Mitch Jurisich there is little doubt they will. Jurisich discusses the importance of Gulf oysters to the environment, culture and heritage of Louisiana.

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