Tag: oysterman

Houma Oysterman’s Life Left in Shambles by Hurricane Ida

Houma Oysterman’s Life Left in Shambles by Hurricane Ida

For more than six hours fifth-generation Houma oysterman Jacob David Hulse, his girlfriend Lindsey Willis and his dog Change huddled in an the oyster shop of friend Kenneth (Keno) Templet struggling to keep the walls and roof from caving as the more than 140-mph winds of Hurricane Ida continuously battered away at the structure.  When the winds started to subside, Hulse thought he had gone through the worse of it.  Like many Louisiana fishermen are finding out, his troubles were only beginning after the storm was finished.

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Oysterman Jakov Jurisic; “Gulf Oyster Industry a Catastrophe”

Oysterman Jakov Jurisic; “Gulf Oyster Industry a Catastrophe”

Louisiana oysterman Jakov Jurisic is no stranger to adversity. The Gulf oyster industry, along with other Gulf seafood, is in a historic nosedive never before seen.  The perfect storm of too much water, a national pandemic and the closure of restaurant after restaurant have forced those in the industry to reexamine the path forward.

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