Tag: National Marine Fisheries Service

Fisherman in the Gulf of Mexico, be they commercial, charter-for-hire or recreational, all agree on one fact: the growing need for more timely and accurate data for fishery management and science. Recognizing the need for more timely data collection, the NOAA has developed an implementation plan to expand the use of both electronic monitoring and electronic reporting.

After a very successful two-year Founding Member period, GSI is now initiating its standing, long-term dues structure recently approved by the Board of Directors. With this new dues structure, GSI will be well positioned to solicit new members as the organization continues to grow in numbers and scope.

The Marine Resource Education Program Southeast, an organization created by fishermen for fishermen, will attempt to demystify the acronyms and vocabulary and equip fisherman with the tools needed to engage tough issues at a Fisheries Science Workshop to be held April 14-16 at the Hilton Bayfront in St. Petersburg, FL.

During Washington Mardi Gras in mid-January, the offices of the Gulf coast Congressional Delegation will once again be filled with members of the Gulf Seafood Institute spreading the message of the economic and environmental importance of the Gulf of Mexico and the seafood industries that it supports.
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