Tag: Louisiana Seafood

On the banks of Bayou Barataria, a pelican glides over the top of the brackish water, which is so calm you can hear waves lapping against the shore. Stacks of crab traps and fishing nets lay idle on the shoreline. Occasionally, there is the whir of a propeller, which barely registers above the sound of wildlife, puttering as it pushes a boat around debris on the bottom of the bayou.

by Ed Lallo/Gulf Seafood News Editor The pots were hot and the stoves sizzling at NOLA Navy Week’s Louisiana Seafood Cook-Off held on the Riverwalk at the Spanish Plaza behind the Four Seasons Hotel. Naval culinary specialists from France and the United States used to cooking on the high seas were pared with land-loving local Louisiana […]

Jefferson Parish Economic Development Commission (JEDCO), in partnership with the Town of Jean Lafitte, is hosting “Focus on our Fishermen”. The evening event on Tuesday, November 9th at the Jean Lafitte Civic Center will provide fishermen and fisheries-related businesses access to tools and resources that can guide to recovery from Hurricane Ida.
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