Tag: Louisiana Restaurant Association

Can you imagine no oyster bars crowded with patrons eyeing shuckers opening one perfect Gulf oyster after another? No music crowds pressed shoulder to shoulder in Austin venues. No crowded Bourbon Street restaurants overflowing with locals and tourists. There is a new norm coming to the Gulf and the country, and life will be different.

After a very successful two-year Founding Member period, GSI is now initiating its standing, long-term dues structure recently approved by the Board of Directors. With this new dues structure, GSI will be well positioned to solicit new members as the organization continues to grow in numbers and scope.

At the SeaWeb Seafood Summit held at the New Orleans Hyatt Regency it seemed that members of GSI members were everywhere; from helping visiting dignitaries get a table at a popular restaurant, giving expert testimony on panel discussions, to filleting the ever-evasive lionfish for a special chef cook-off.

High heels and wingtips clicking and clacking through the marble halls of Congress, a constant buzz of voices bouncing off Gulf Senators and Representatives office walls, hands continuously pressing the flesh and passing paper after paper; these are the sights and sounds of the Gulf Seafood Institute’s second annual “Walk on the Hill” in the nation’s Capitol.

A strong voice for the Gulf seafood communities in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida has presented written testimony to the Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard on the topic of third-party sustainability certification of U.S. seafood, as well as its impact on the seafood community, consumers and the marketplace.
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