Tag: Gulf Seafood Institute

The Food and Drug Administration and Environmental Protection Agency has developed a new analysis supporting and encouraging pregnant and nursing moms to eat in a manner consistent with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendation to add seafood to their diet, including healthy Gulf seafood choices.

In response to an op-ed article in the Tampa Bay Times critical of new fishery legislation recently introduced by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) on grounds it would hurt fishermen and jeopardize fishery sustainability, the Gulf Seafood Institute’s executive director Margaret Henderson applauded the Senator’s courage in taking a strong stand on key issues that must be addressed.

Gulf Seafood Institute founding member Steve Tomeny recently joined a panel of seafood experts, academics and environmental non-profit leaders to address such issues as individual fishing quotas and possible revisions to the Magnuson-Stevens Act at the Brookings Institute for a Hamilton Project roundtable discussion.
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