Tag: Gulf of Mexico

Former commercial fisherman Robert Fritchey documents landmark disputes between the recreational and commercial fishing industries. His latest book, A Different Breed of Cat, chronicles the battles over the use of fishing nets during the 1990’s in Alabama, where the state’s resource-management agency brokered a compromise that was hailed as the beginning of a “new age” in managing the state’s coastal fisheries.

Prestige Oysters, one of the largest producers of Gulf oysters, has achieved the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for its private oyster fisheries in Texas and Louisiana, making it the first wild oyster fishery in the Americas to be recognized for sustainable fishing practices. Sustainable fishing practices are vital to the protection of both the environment and consumers of Gulf of Mexico seafood.

Fisherman in the Gulf of Mexico, be they commercial, charter-for-hire or recreational, all agree on one fact: the growing need for more timely and accurate data for fishery management and science. Recognizing the need for more timely data collection, the NOAA has developed an implementation plan to expand the use of both electronic monitoring and electronic reporting.

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton recently announced he would give his support to a law requiring streams, rivers and farm drainage systems to have a vegetative buffer. The proposal, revealed during a Minnesota Natural Resources roundtable, would create 125,000 acres of grassland that would create pheasant habitat and promote cleaner water.

Trading white boots for hunting boots, three Gulf Coast shrimpers gathered with family members and friends around a glowing fire pit as the sunset over their Texas Hill Country lodge. Stories of the day’s deer hunt were relived over beer and Gulf oysters they packed alongside guns, ammunition, camouflage, and boots.

Trapped in the engine room of her father’s capsized shrimp boat for more than four hours while struggling to stay alive with her father’s lifeless body somewhere beneath the murky waters of Galveston Bay, 19-year-old Sabrina Galloway has good reason to hate her father’s boat, hate shrimping, hate Galveston Bay and hate a passion that has been a part of her life since a little girl.
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