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Roy Crabtree, Ph.D., has a lot on his plate beside Gulf Red Snapper. As the regional administrator of NOAA Fisheries Service’s Southeast Regional Office overseeing Gulf fisheries, the fish popular to both recreational and commercial fishermen has drawn the majority of his attention for more than two years.

Gulf Seafood Institute founding member Steve Tomeny recently joined a panel of seafood experts, academics and environmental non-profit leaders to address such issues as individual fishing quotas and possible revisions to the Magnuson-Stevens Act at the Brookings Institute for a Hamilton Project roundtable discussion.

For more than two weeks talks of a strike by Louisiana shrimpers have filled VHF radios and social media. Talk has turned into action according to Louisiana Shrimp Association’s president Clint Guidry, as state shrimpers have put a moratorium on harvesting to protest falling shrimp prices at the dock.
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