Louisiana oysterman Jakov Jurisic is no stranger to adversity. The Gulf oyster industry, along with other Gulf seafood, is in a historic nosedive never before seen. The perfect storm of too much water, a national pandemic and the closure of restaurant after restaurant have forced those in the industry to reexamine the path forward.

The Louisiana Oyster Task Force, through the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, has enlisted Ed Lallo and Newsroom Ink to assist in their ongoing effort to tell the story of the of the Louisiana Gulf oyster, the people dedicated to ensuring its sustainability, as well as its importance to the State’s economy, culture and culinary cuisine.

Louisiana Gulf fishermen have overcome natural and manmade setback after setback after setback. The recent Louisiana Fisheries Forward Summit at the Ponchartrain Center in Kenner, presented by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Louisiana Sea Grant and LSU AgCenter, was subject to to one such unforeseen setback, Covid-19, also known as the coronavirus.
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