Tag: Beth Walton

Oyster South Symposium Returns With April Meeting in Biloxi

Oyster South Symposium Returns With April Meeting in Biloxi

The annual Oyster South industry symposium isn’t a typical scientific conference. Besides being filled with relevant information on oyster aquaculture, it is also fun. The organization, a charitable foundation supporting shellfish aquaculture in the southern U.S., has members ranging from growers, chefs, wholesalers, gear suppliers, students and food writers.

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Oyster South Symposium Brings Oystermen From Two Coasts Together

Oyster South Symposium Brings Oystermen From Two Coasts Together

Braving freezing temperatures and cold northern winds whipping the Carolina coast, more than 250 members of the oyster aquaculture industry recently gathered for the fourth Oyster South Industry Symposium held in Wilmington to discuss industry issues and research.

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Beth Walton and Father Sinclair Oubre Join Gulf Seafood Foundation’s Board

Beth Walton and Father Sinclair Oubre Join Gulf Seafood Foundation’s Board

Alabama’s Beth Walton, Executive Director of Oyster South, and Father Sinclair Oubre, a Catholic Diocesan priest and Treasurer of the Port Arthur (Texas) Area Shrimpers Association, have joined the Gulf Seafood Foundation’s Board of Directors.

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Alabama’s first Oyster Shell Recycling Program captures ½ million shells; ready for January expansion

Alabama’s first Oyster Shell Recycling Program captures ½ million shells; ready for January expansion

NEW ORLEANS, La. – The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (Council) has finalized its Comprehensive Plan Update to guide over $5.4 billion in investments aimed at enhancing the resources and economies of the Gulf Coast after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

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