
Forty years have passed since Congress first passed sweeping legislation that changed the landscape of the American seafood industry from Bristol Bay to Beaumont to Boston. In 1976, the Fishery Conservation and Management Act was the first legislation establishing a comprehensive framework for governing marine fisheries.

In the U.S. Congress, Dr. Charles William Boustany, Jr. has always been a champion for the Gulf seafood community. The five-term Congressman serving south central Louisiana grew up with Gulf seafood playing an important part of his family life, and he works tirelessly to ensure that it remains an important part of Louisiana and the Gulf’s culture.

As the 2016 South by Southwest (SXSW) Festival returns to Austin for the 30th time, the interactive incubator of cutting-edge technologies and digital creativity portion will feature five days of compelling presentations and panels from the brightest minds, including the Gulf Seafood Institute’s Texas Board Member Jim Gossen who will join three other presenters on a panel discussion on seafood by catch.

The Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship under the chair of Louisiana Senator David Vitter, recently held hearings on “The Impacts of Federal Fisheries Management on Small Businesses”. In a letter, the Gulf Seafood Institute urged committee members to keep in mind the myriad benefits this landmark legislation has had on Gulf coast fisheries.
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