
Two years ago Harlon Pearce wasn’t exactly sure what Hurricane Isaac would bring. But he was ready. Adversity is no stranger to the Gulf Seafood Institute’s chairman. As the former chairman of the Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board he successfully navigated disaster after disaster for the state’s 12,000 commercial fisherman, seafood processors and the Louisiana Seafood Brand.

The fall season, when white shrimp are caught, typically closes in mid-December. Figures for the season’s catch will not be tabulated by state wildlife officials until into next year, but local processors are saying the season is shaping up to be one of the worst harvests in memory. The culprit is two-fold. Decreased imports are […]

by Kim Blair/Pensacola News Journal A $3 million, five-year project to expand data collection on red snapper and other reef fish stocks in the northern and eastern Gulf of Mexico is being hailed by Ocean Conservancy as a major milestone in the recovery of the marine resources affected by the 2010 BP oil spill disaster. […]
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