
Gulf Coast seafood processors and its hospitality industry rely annually on a seasonal workforce granted entry to the United States via the temporary worker H-2B visa program. Working closely with the Gulf Seafood Institute, Louisiana Congressman Boustany has led a letter to the U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez asking him to resume accepting private wage surveys.

High heels and wingtips clicking and clacking through the marble halls of Congress, a constant buzz of voices bouncing off Gulf Senators and Representatives office walls, hands continuously pressing the flesh and passing paper after paper; these are the sights and sounds of the Gulf Seafood Institute’s second annual “Walk on the Hill” in the nation’s Capitol.

During Washington Mardi Gras in mid-January, the offices of the Gulf coast Congressional Delegation will once again be filled with members of the Gulf Seafood Institute spreading the message of the economic and environmental importance of the Gulf of Mexico and the seafood industries that it supports.

Congressional leaders called upon two Gulf Seafood Institute board members to testify on The Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Conservation Act of 2013. Florida’s Bob Gill and Louisiana’s Harlon Pearce represented the interests of Gulf of Mexico fishermen before the House Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs in the ongoing saga of red snapper management.
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