
As a joint Gulf state seafood marketing effort sails into the sunset, the program’s Marketing Director has left for a job in the private seafood sector. Joanne McNeely Zaritsky, the former Marketing Director of the Gulf State Marketing Coalition, has joined domestic seafood processor Captain’s Fine Foods.

The Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee under the chair of David Vitter of Louisiana recently met to questioned seafood regulators and industry experts, including Gulf Seafood Institute’s Frank Randol, on how federal labor and safety laws are impacting small businesses within the seafood industry.

The Marine Resource Education Program Southeast, an organization created by fishermen for fishermen, will attempt to demystify the acronyms and vocabulary and equip fisherman with the tools needed to engage tough issues at a Fisheries Science Workshop to be held April 14-16 at the Hilton Bayfront in St. Petersburg, FL.

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton recently announced he would give his support to a law requiring streams, rivers and farm drainage systems to have a vegetative buffer. The proposal, revealed during a Minnesota Natural Resources roundtable, would create 125,000 acres of grassland that would create pheasant habitat and promote cleaner water.

TJ Tate, the sustainability director for Gulf Wild, was presented with the Seafood Champion Award for Vision. She was recognized for her pioneering work that included video monitoring on commercial fishing boats, creating collaboration between scientists and fishermen, and marketing of bycatch to avoid waste.
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