
McNeely Zaritsky Leaves Gulf States Seafood Marketing Coalition for Private Sector

McNeely Zaritsky Leaves Gulf States Seafood Marketing Coalition for Private Sector

As a joint Gulf state seafood marketing effort sails into the sunset, the program’s Marketing Director has left for a job in the private seafood sector. Joanne McNeely Zaritsky, the former Marketing Director of the Gulf State Marketing Coalition, has joined domestic seafood processor Captain’s Fine Foods.

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GSI Helps Gulf Charter Captains Take the Lead with $2.25 Million Technology Grant

GSI Helps Gulf Charter Captains Take the Lead with $2.25 Million Technology Grant

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has announced their selection for Electronic Monitoring and Reporting grants that included $2.25 million for Gulf Seafood Institute Founding Member CLS America to administer a program for approximately 350 federally-permitted charter boat vessels in the Gulf of Mexico.

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GSI’s Frank Randol Testifies on Capitol Hill on H-2B Legislation

GSI’s Frank Randol Testifies on Capitol Hill on H-2B Legislation

The Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee under the chair of David Vitter of Louisiana recently met to questioned seafood regulators and industry experts, including Gulf Seafood Institute’s Frank Randol, on how federal labor and safety laws are impacting small businesses within the seafood industry.

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State Gulf Red Snapper Management Defeated in House Committee

State Gulf Red Snapper Management Defeated in House Committee

The first effort to have the five individual Gulf States take over management of Gulf red snapper was defeated by a vote of 22-16 when Amendment H.R. 1335, sponsored by Louisiana Representative Garrett Graves, came to a committee vote.

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Share the Gulf Gears Up for New Fight

Share the Gulf Gears Up for New Fight

Share the Gulf has reawakened to respond to efforts by Gulf State fishery managers to grab control of the Gulf of Mexico’s Red Snapper fishery, giving a larger percentage to the recreational sector and leaving the future of the commercial fishery in doubt.

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Red Snapper Allocation Top Topic at Recent Gulf Council Meeting

Red Snapper Allocation Top Topic at Recent Gulf Council Meeting

The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council recently met in Biloxi, Mississippi the former administrative capital of French Louisiana­ once named Bilocci, to discuss a number of fishery issues, including regional management for recreational red snapper and red snapper allocation.

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Bottarga – Poor Man’s Caviar Reaps Rich Benefits For Gulf Fishermen

Bottarga – Poor Man’s Caviar Reaps Rich Benefits For Gulf Fishermen

In the coastal village of Cortez, Ed Chiles has joined with business partner Seth Cripe to produces the country’s first European style artisan bottarga from the fish eggs of Gulf Grey Striped mullet. The gourmet cured mullet roe is sold at more than $100/lb. retail.

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Gulf Seafood Institute Comments on New FDA Seafood Guides for Pregnant Women

Gulf Seafood Institute Comments on New FDA Seafood Guides for Pregnant Women

The Gulf Seafood Institute will provide public comment to the Food and Drug Administration’s draft fish consumption advice entitled “Fish: What Pregnant Women Should Know.”

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Gulf State Managers Propose Controversial Plan for State Management of Red Snapper Fishery

Gulf State Managers Propose Controversial Plan for State Management of Red Snapper Fishery

Marine Resource Agency Directors from all five Gulf States recently held a closed meeting in New Orleans to craft a management framework removing the red snapper fishery from the control of the federal government and placing the fishery directly under state control.

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Gulf Seafood Institute Joins Speakers at Aquaculture and Fish Tech 101

Gulf Seafood Institute Joins Speakers at Aquaculture and Fish Tech 101

A Gulf Coast workshop will help develop training and education programs that can assist the industry, train a new generation of seafood professionals and help deliver a uniform message to the consumer.

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Three-Hundred Gulf Charter-for-Hire Captains Anxiously Await Voluntary Electronic Log Book Monitoring

Three-Hundred Gulf Charter-for-Hire Captains Anxiously Await Voluntary Electronic Log Book Monitoring

The implementation of electronic data capture by Gulf of Mexico charter-for-hire fisherman later this year will mean fisheries like Gulf Red Snapper will have a more accurate data source for use in future stock assessments.

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Labor Department Ruling Could Mean End to Processed Gulf Seafood

Labor Department Ruling Could Mean End to Processed Gulf Seafood

The Department of Labor recently announced it will no longer accept or process requests for H-2B visa prevailing wage determinations or labor certifications, a huge setback for almost every Gulf seafood processor from Florida to Texas.

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Marine Resource Education Program Southeast Demystifies Fishery Science

Marine Resource Education Program Southeast Demystifies Fishery Science

The Marine Resource Education Program Southeast, an organization created by fishermen for fishermen, will attempt to demystify the acronyms and vocabulary and equip fisherman with the tools needed to engage tough issues at a Fisheries Science Workshop to be held April 14-16 at the Hilton Bayfront in St. Petersburg, FL.

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Minnesota Governor Announces Clean Water Support That Could Benefit Gulf

Minnesota Governor Announces Clean Water Support That Could Benefit Gulf

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton recently announced he would give his support to a law requiring streams, rivers and farm drainage systems to have a vegetative buffer. The proposal, revealed during a Minnesota Natural Resources roundtable, would create 125,000 acres of grassland that would create pheasant habitat and promote cleaner water.

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Gulf Wild Sustainability Director Honored with Seafood Champion Award

Gulf Wild Sustainability Director Honored with Seafood Champion Award

TJ Tate, the sustainability director for Gulf Wild, was presented with the Seafood Champion Award for Vision. She was recognized for her pioneering work that included video monitoring on commercial fishing boats, creating collaboration between scientists and fishermen, and marketing of bycatch to avoid waste.

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