
Across the Gulf of Mexico, commercial fishing resulted in excess of 146,000 jobs, which captured more than $21.5 billion in seafood sales. Additionally, jobs related to the recreational sector exceeded 107,000 across the Gulf, representing 19.7 million individual trips and $12 billion in direct commerce.

Gulf of Mexico, USA — A landmark effort to help improve reef fish management in the Gulf has nearly reached program capacity, with less than two dozen vessel openings left in the Charter-For-Hire data collection project. Charter captains, the Gulf Council, and stakeholders Gulf-wide have long called for improved data to manage the reef fish […]

In a cover story “Damage Control in the Gulf” on the $20 billion Justice Department settlement of the BP Deepwater Horizon rig explosion that polluted the Gulf of Mexico with millions of barrels of oil, Capitol Hill’s CQ magazine’s writers Mike Magner and Jeremy Dillion give an in-depth analysis of the recent agreement between the company and the Justice Department, as well as how it will affect the Gulf and Gulf seafood.
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