
Marine Resource Education Program Southeast Demystifies Fishery Science

Marine Resource Education Program Southeast Demystifies Fishery Science

The Marine Resource Education Program Southeast, an organization created by fishermen for fishermen, will attempt to demystify the acronyms and vocabulary and equip fisherman with the tools needed to engage tough issues at a Fisheries Science Workshop to be held April 14-16 at the Hilton Bayfront in St. Petersburg, FL.

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Minnesota Governor Announces Clean Water Support That Could Benefit Gulf

Minnesota Governor Announces Clean Water Support That Could Benefit Gulf

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton recently announced he would give his support to a law requiring streams, rivers and farm drainage systems to have a vegetative buffer. The proposal, revealed during a Minnesota Natural Resources roundtable, would create 125,000 acres of grassland that would create pheasant habitat and promote cleaner water.

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Gulf Wild Sustainability Director Honored with Seafood Champion Award

Gulf Wild Sustainability Director Honored with Seafood Champion Award

TJ Tate, the sustainability director for Gulf Wild, was presented with the Seafood Champion Award for Vision. She was recognized for her pioneering work that included video monitoring on commercial fishing boats, creating collaboration between scientists and fishermen, and marketing of bycatch to avoid waste.

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Sen. Rubio and Rep. Byrne Take Lead in Electronic Data Collection Letter to Commerce Secretary

Sen. Rubio and Rep. Byrne Take Lead in Electronic Data Collection Letter to Commerce Secretary

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and Representative Bradley Byrne of Alabama have taken the lead on a Congressional letter addressed to Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker urging the Secretary to ensure that NOAA acts swiftly on electronic data collection funding.

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Gulf Council Faces Recreational Red Snapper Management and Other Issues

Gulf Council Faces Recreational Red Snapper Management and Other Issues

The Gulf Council recently held their first meeting of the new year in Point Clear, Alabama, a town where wealthy families from Mobile and New Orleans tried to hide from yellow fever outbreaks by escaping to the daily breeze off Mobile Bay they deemed as “good air”.

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Congressman Boustany Gives Seafood Processors A Boost With H2B Labor Letter

Congressman Boustany Gives Seafood Processors A Boost With H2B Labor Letter

Gulf Coast seafood processors and its hospitality industry rely annually on a seasonal workforce granted entry to the United States via the temporary worker H-2B visa program. Working closely with the Gulf Seafood Institute, Louisiana Congressman Boustany has led a letter to the U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez asking him to resume accepting private wage surveys.

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GSI Joins Gulf Groups to Walk Congressional Halls for Gulf Seafood

GSI Joins Gulf Groups to Walk Congressional Halls for Gulf Seafood

High heels and wingtips clicking and clacking through the marble halls of Congress, a constant buzz of voices bouncing off Gulf Senators and Representatives office walls, hands continuously pressing the flesh and passing paper after paper; these are the sights and sounds of the Gulf Seafood Institute’s second annual “Walk on the Hill” in the nation’s Capitol.

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GSI Organizes Capitol Hill Walk for Gulf Seafood Interests

GSI Organizes Capitol Hill Walk for Gulf Seafood Interests

During Washington Mardi Gras in mid-January, the offices of the Gulf coast Congressional Delegation will once again be filled with members of the Gulf Seafood Institute spreading the message of the economic and environmental importance of the Gulf of Mexico and the seafood industries that it supports.

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Gulf Seafood Institute Issues First Annual Report

Gulf Seafood Institute Issues First Annual Report

Citing 2014 as a landmark year for the Gulf Seafood Institute, the organizations Executive Director Margaret Henderson touted the year as a time for tremendous growth and groundbreaking successes in the organizations recently published first annual report.

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Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Requests Research Funding Pre-Proposals

Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Requests Research Funding Pre-Proposals

The Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium is accepting pre-proposals for one- or two-year innovative research projects that address coastal issues.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR from the Gulf Seafood Institute and Gulf Seafood News!

HAPPY NEW YEAR from the Gulf Seafood Institute and Gulf Seafood News!

2015 is going to be HOT for Gulf Seafood, as well as the Gulf Seafood Institute and Gulf Seafood News!

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Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays! See You Next Year.

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Gulf Seafood Institute Applauds Congressional Passage of $2 Million for Electronic Data Collection in Gulf

Gulf Seafood Institute Applauds Congressional Passage of $2 Million for Electronic Data Collection in Gulf

Accurate and real time data collection of Gulf fisheries based on electronic monitoring took a major step forward with the enactment of the Congressional 2015 Omnibus Appropriations Act that included $2 million for electronic data collection for the Gulf recreational charter-for-hire sector.

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Gulf Groups Gather to Support Oyster Mega-Hatcheries Concept

Gulf Groups Gather to Support Oyster Mega-Hatcheries Concept

The Gulf Oyster Hatchery Initiative has proposed the use of hatchery produced oyster seed to restore Gulf of Mexico oyster reefs, as well as create new habitat resulting in a clean Gulf.

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CLS America Joins Gulf Seafood Institute as Founding Member

CLS America Joins Gulf Seafood Institute as Founding Member

For Michael Kelly, vice president of sustainable marine resources at CLS America, the only way to sustainably manage Gulf fishery resources is through new technology, and he sees the Gulf Seafood Institute committed to help make this possible.

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