The Gulf Seafood Foundation supports Gulf seafood and fishermen. The Foundation arranged the visit of Louisiana USDA Rural Development Director Carrie Castille (center), Ph.D. and Deborah Atwood of the Meridian Institute to the oyster farm of Jules Melancon on Grand Isle. Photo: Ed Lallo/Lallo Photography
by Ed Lallo/Gulf Seafood News Editor

Jim Gossen, the Foundation’s returning President, talks with students at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette. Photo: Ed Lallo/Lallo Photography
The Gulf Seafood Foundation has announced a new slate of officers for 2019. Former Sysco Louisiana Seafood chairman Jim Gossen, a native of Lafayette, LA living in Houston, TX, will remain as the President of the organization formed to support and promote the high standards of the Gulf’s vast commercial and recreational fisheries industry.

Raz Halili of Prestige Oysters will become the new Vice-President. Photo: Ed Lallo/Lallo Photography
Raz Halili of Prestige Oysters in San Leon, TX will assume the position of Vice-President, Jennifer Jenkins of Crystal Seas Oysters in Pass Christian, MS will become Treasurer, and Frank Randol a seafood processer and owner of Randol’s Restaurant in Lafayette, LA will take over as Secretary of the organization.
“It’s important that our board is engaged and committed to the well-being of our Gulf of Mexico fisheries and fishermen,” said Jim Gossen, the returning president. “I am confident that the current slate will continue this organizations path to becoming one of the most influential voices for the region.”

Frank Randol of Lafayette, LA will become the new Secretary. Photo: Ed Lallo/Lallo Photography
Comprised of a diverse membership, the Gulf Seafood Foundation is a unified, proactive and positive voice promoting interests vital to the economy of the Gulf, as well addressing environmental issues and actions that affect the region. Its mission is a voice of reason finding solutions to a wide variety of important issues the area faces.
“It is humbling to be able to serve with such great seafood leaders,” said Halilii, the Foundations new vice-president. “Organizations such as the Gulf Seafood Foundation are essential to the future of Gulf seafood. I look forward to my new position and I am committed to providing a helping hand.”

Wearing the Gulf Seafood Foundation’s “Helping Hands” gloves, Jennifer Jenkins of Crystal Seas Oyster in Pass Christian, MS will take over the position of Treasurer. Photo: Ed Lallo/Lallo Photography
According to Randol, the new officer slate offers depth and diversification and gives the organization feed back that spans the Gulf coastline from the water to the plate. “When the need arises, the new board officers are committed to respond quickly and accurately to all issues affecting sustainable Gulf seafood, both positive and negative,” he said.
The new board will meet in April. “There are no shortage of important issues in the Gulf that need addressing,” said the organization’s new treasurer Jennifer Jenkins. “We will be exploring how our efforts can best be utilized to help Gulf seafood and the fishermen that work hard to bring it to consumers worldwide.”
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