by Ed Lallo/Gulf Seafood News Editor
Is fishing in your blood? Have you been raised on the ocean with a “fish or die” mentality? Are you a hardworking commercial fishing family determined to keep your way of life alive? If so an award winning production company developing a documentary reality series about multi-generational fishing families is looking for you.
Relativity Media, a global media company engaged in multiple aspects of content production and distribution, including movies, television, fashion, sports, digital and music, is currently in the first stage of developing a documentary series about a multigenerational family-run commercial fishing business which would explore the challenges and triumphs faced in today’s day and age.
“We are open to any kind of offshore fishing, in any area of the US but I’m particularly interested in finding a family in the Gulf coast region”, Andrea McHugh a Development Producer with Relativity Media/Press Start Productions told Gulf Seafood News. “We develop and produce movies, documentaries and TV series for networks like Nat Geo, Discovery Channel, History Channel and many others. In an ideal world, We’d like to find a family commercial fishing business where more than two generations are still actively working.”
According to McHugh, the series will celebrate American fishing families and give a birds eye view into the immense dedication they have to their craft and each other.
The Beverly Hills company has become a content engine with the ability to leverage a number of business units, independently and together, to create content across a wide variety of mediums.
Relativity Studios, the company’s largest division, has produced, distributed or structured financing for more than 200 motion pictures, generating more than $17 billion in worldwide box-office revenue and earning 60 Oscar nominations.

As chefs contemplate risk versus reward at the end of every round on Relativity Media’s Kitchen Inferno, host Curtis Stone is on hand to watch these decisions unfold and oversee the fiery battles that result. Photo: Food Network
Among the newest Relativity films are McG’s Three Days to Kill, starring Kevin Costner; Scott Cooper’s Out of the Furnace, with Christian Bale and Zoe Saldana; and Luc Besson’s The Family, starring Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer and Tommy Lee Jones.
The companies television division has produced shows that include; the Cooking Channel’s AT HOME with Tia Mowrey, FYI’s House vs. House, Food Network’s Kitchen Inferno and Travel Channel’s Restaurant Stakeout.
“Since family-run fishing businesses have become few and far between, we’d like to explore the challenges they face in order to keep their business afloat,” McHugh said. “Since a big portion of the program will focus on legacy and tradition, we’d really like to find a family with at least two generations but ideally three, and at least four or more family members actively working in the business. The deadline is August 14th. If anyone knows of a multi-generational family we’d love to speak with them.”
For more information contact Relativity Studios at:
I know of a family that meets your criteria for a multi-generational fishing family. They are highliners involved in several GOM fisheries;
lobster, stone crab, gillnet for king and Spanish mackerel (even flying the spotter plane), and golden crab in the south atlantic.
They reside in one the Florida Keys and it would be great for them to tell their story given their involvement in fisheries management and direct ties to “Old Florida”.
An interesting story no doubt and as you may already know given the high dollar value of the species they land the Florida Keys ranks highly in rankings of our nation’s most valuable seaports.
Hi, I am a commercial fishermen in calif. My kids are fourth generation we fish for bottom fish year round . We supply fish to whole foods. I have seven children and we are proud of commercial fishing heritage .
4th generation commercial fisherman an local artist an gallery owner. Nathan Long on Facebook or the Mullethead Outpost an Mel Meo Studios also very close with the Barnhill fishing Family an Island Crab Co. We are the best of the industry.
3rd generation commercial fisherman an local artist an gallery owner. Nathan Long on Facebook or the Mullethead Outpost an Mel Meo Studios also very close with the Barnhill fishing Family an Island Crab Co. We are the best of the industry.