This has been a landmark year for the Gulf Seafood Institute. It has been a time of tremendous growth and groundbreaking successes. Photo: Randy Skinner/Facebook
by Ed Lallo/Gulf Seafood News Editor
Citing 2014 as a landmark year for the Gulf Seafood Institute (GSI), the organization’s Executive Director Margaret Henderson touted the year as a time for tremendous growth and groundbreaking successes in the organization’s recently published first annual report.
“This past year has proved to be a time of tremendous growth in terms of association membership, formalization of GSI’s organizational structure, development of our Strategic Plan, and, perhaps most importantly, huge strides forward in our work to become the leading advocate on behalf of the entire Gulf seafood community,” said Henderson in her director’s letter.

Citing 2014 as a landmark year for the Gulf Seafood Institute, the organizations Executive Director Margaret Henderson touted the year as a time for tremendous growth and groundbreaking successes. Photo: Ed Lallo/Newsroom Ink
Beginning last February during GSI’s inaugural “Walk on the Hill,” the organization spearheaded a yearlong effort to obtain $2 million in federal funding for an electronic data collection program in the Gulf charter-for- hire community. It coordinated efforts with dozens of stakeholders, including charter associations, private businesses and non-profits, to communicate with Congress and federal agencies regarding the importance of this program. As the final act of the 2014 legislative year, Congress passed the FY 2015 Omnibus Appropriations Act which included $2 million in funding – a great step towards better management of the Gulf Red Snapper fishery.

During the past year three members of the GSI Board testified before Congress on vital legislative topics. Photo/Margaret Henderson/GSI
In the second half of the year, GSI increased focus on the H-2B visa program, revitalization of the Gulf oyster resource, safety and healthfulness of Gulf seafood and preservation of market access to the resource.
During the past year three members of the GSI Board testified before Congress on vital legislative topics including the Magnuson Stevens Act and red snapper management. During the organization’s first strategic planning session, the Board of Director and members delved into GSI’s organizational structure, strategic vision, and core values resulting in a five-year plan to guide growth of the group.
In 2014, GSI continued to formalize its administrative structure, including retaining an Executive Director, obtaining federal tax-exempt status and purchasing Directors and Officers liability insurance. Formalization of these important administrative items has galvanized GSI’s core membership, strengthened its programs and will make the organization increasingly appealing to future investors and members.
Gulf Seafood News

The organization also retained Ed Lallo with Newsroom Inc. to develop original media content and manage GulfSeafoodNews.com and GulfSeafoodInstitute.org sites. Photo: Ed Lallo/Newsroom Ink
The organization also retained Ed Lallo with Newsroom Inc. to develop original media content and manage GulfSeafoodNews.com and GulfSeafoodInstitute.org sites.
To fulfill its mission, the Gulf Seafood Institute has chosen a unique online communication tool – the Gulf Seafood Newsroom.
Continuously publishing news and feature articles affecting the Gulf’s seafood industry, GulfSeafoodNews.com has been instrumental in establishing the year-old non-profit as the leading voice for Gulf of Mexico seafood interests. The news site has defined target audiences: Congressional and Gulf State legislators and staff, seafood industry members, chefs and restaurateurs, NOAA and other executive governmental agencies, environmental non- governmental agencies, commercial organizations and the media.

As an issue management tool, the newsroom has led the conversation in issues that include Gulf red snapper and a proposed oyster mega-hatchery, giving the Gulf Seafood Institute a strong voice clearly heard above all others.
As an issue management tool, the newsroom has led the conversation in issues that include Gulf Red Snapper, Electronic Data Collection and a proposed oyster mega-hatchery, giving the Gulf Seafood Institute a strong voice clearly heard above all others.
“More than 150 original stories have been published and an additional 30 curated,” said Lallo about the newsroom. “There have been more than 80,000 unique visitors and 110,000 page views, all this reaching important target audiences on a regular basis.”
Gulf Seafood Newsroom articles have been regularly reprinted in whole or part by mainstream and online media. Millions of impressions have been generated worldwide by Gulf Seafood News articles that have been reprinted by such publications as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Politico, Huffington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, New Orleans Times-Picayune
GSI Doubles in Size
GSI has more than doubled in size from a base of seven regular members to fifteen Founding Members. While 15 members may not seem significant when compared to other national trade associations, GSI is unique in that its members invest significantly in terms of time and dues – with a similarly significant return on their investment.
The organization also finished final touches on its membership brochure that outlines the Institute’s mission and goals, as well as provides information on how to become a member.
“We launched a Founding Members Campaign targeting key seafood community stakeholders from all sectors of all five Gulf States,” Henderson explained. “The campaign has lead to significant new investments from a broad cross-section of the Gulf’s seafood community.”
“GSI accomplished all this and more in 2014 laying solid groundwork for future investment and strength as we head into 2015,” said Henderson about the first year of operation. “GSI’s first annual report outlines in further detail our growth and successes over the past twelve months with an eye on areas that we must strengthen in 2015 to ensure that our full mission is being realized.”
“With continued support and investment in terms of both funding and time, GSI stands to experience exponential growth in the upcoming year. I am confident we have the personalities, principles and organizational backbone to see all the organization’s goals achieved. The ultimate outcome will be a wholly improved market for Gulf seafood and a stronger, more cohesive Gulf community overall,” she went on to explain.
For a copy of the Annual Report please contact Margaret Henderson – Margaret@GulfSeafoodInstitute.org
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