The Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council has scheduled a series of public hearings in all five Gulf States on the contenuous topic of Gulf Red Snapper Allocation. Photo: Ed Lallo/Newsroom Ink
The Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council has scheduled a series of public hearings in all five Gulf States on the contenuous topic of Gulf Red Snapper Allocation. Amendment 28 examines allocating red snapper resources for the recreational fishing sector.
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council is one of eight regional Fishery Management Councils established by the Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976. The Council prepares fishery management plans, which are designed to manage fishery resources within the 200-mile limit of the Gulf of Mexico.
The Council is currently considering Reef Fish Amendment No. 28, Chapter 2 – Management Alternatives. The amendment would alter the traditional 51/49 percent allocation of red snapper between the commercial fishing industry and recreational fishermen.
Two Alternatives are currently before the Council. Alternative 1 is based on an aggregate red snapper quota of 11 million pounds; commercial fishermen would retain 51 percent of the catch with an allocation of 5.610 million pound; recreational fishermen would receive 49 percent, or 5.390 million pounds.

Amendment 5 will effectively reduce the commercial share harvested for restaurants and stores frequented by the more than 300 million non-saltwater fishermen. Photo: Jim Gossen/GSI
The Gulf Council has voted to support Alternative 5, which gives the 11 million saltwater fishermen – roughly the combined population of New York and Los Angeles, an increase of 8 percent of the Gulf Red Snapper quota. The Alternative shifts allocation percentages to 75% recreational and 25% commercial for aggregate red snapper quota greater than 9.12 million pounds.
Based on an aggregate red snapper quota of 11 million pounds, commercial fishermen would be allocated 5.126 million and recreational 5.874 million, effective reducing the commercial share harvested for restaurants and stores frequented by the more than 300 million non-saltwater fishermen.
Meetings begin March 10th and conclude on the 24th. A call-in session/webinar will be conducted on March 24th, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Eastern time.
Comments on Reef Fish Amendment 28 will also be accepted online at http://bit.ly/MS14U0, and copies of the public hearing documents can be obtained by calling 813-348-1630, or by visiting www.gulfcouncil.org.
Public Hearing Schedule All hearings will begin at 6 pm local time and will conclude after public input has ended, but no later than 9 pm.
CALL IN SESSION: March 20, 2014 Call-in Session/Webinar: Begins at 6:00 p.m. Eastern time. |
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