Hy-Vee, one of the largest grocery chains in the Midwest, has announced the addition of a Responsible Sourcing Commitment to its comprehensive Seafood Procurement Policy. Photo: Hy-Vee
by Hy-Vee staff with contribution from Gulf Seafood News
One of the largest grocery chains in the Midwest announced the addition of a Responsible Sourcing Commitment to its comprehensive Seafood Procurement Policy.
Hy-Vee, Inc., an employee-owned company of 235 stores in eight Midwestern states said the policy and commitment were developed in partnership with FishWise – a non-profit organization focused on supporting sustainability through environmentally responsible business practices.
According the company the new policy was done to protect marine resources and ensure future seafood supplies.
Most of the Gulf fisheries meet Hy-Vee’s new Seafood Procurement Policy; Louisiana shrimp is the only fishery in the Gulf currently red listed.
In October of 2013, Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch placed Louisiana landed shrimp on its “red listing” for failure by state authorities to enforce federal requirements on usage of Turtle Excluder Devices which enable sea turtles, and other bycatch caught in fishing nets, to escape through special openings.

Hy-Vee, Inc., an employee-owned company, said the policy and commitment were developed in partnership with FishWise – a non-profit organization focused on supporting sustainability through environmentally responsible business practices. Photo: Hy-Vee
“Over the course of the next two years, Hy-Vee will be working with all our seafood suppliers to identify a broad selection of high quality, safe and sustainable seafood that meets the goals of our Responsible Sourcing Commitment,” said Ruth Comer, assistant vice president, media relations for Hy-Vee, Inc. “Gulf shrimp has long been a popular seafood item for our customers, and we are encouraged that our supplier has embarked on a time bound fishery improvement project to help achieve the standards we’ve set for sustainability.
“Hy-Vee has taken the approach to engage with existing suppliers and producers to improve over time,” said Tobias Aguirre, executive director at FishWise. “”Most of the Gulf fisheries meet Hy-Vee’s new Seafood Procurement Policy. Louisiana landed shrimp, though red listed, meets the policy as it is in a credible time bound improvement process.”
“So far the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch red listing has not affected our business, but as the negative listing gains traction with organizations like Hy-Vee, I am sure it eventually will,” said Louisiana fisherman Lance Nacio, owner of Anna Marie Shrimp. “We need to get in front of this conversation and get our message out there on what we are doing to correct the situation.”

Gulf crab and shrimp are two products sold regularly at the 235 Hy-Vee stores in eight Midwestern states. Photo: Hy-Vee
The company still promotes Louisiana wild caught shrimp on it’s corporate website, as well as on a video posted on YouTube.
By the end of 2015, Hy-Vee is committed to sell responsibly sourced fresh and frozen seafood rated Green or Yellow by the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program, certified to an environmental standard equivalent to these ratings, or is sourced from credible, time-bound improvement processes.
The changes underscore the commitment by the company to provide high quality seafood that is safe for consumption and harvested or raised in a manner that providing for long-term sustainability, while minimizing damage to the environment and sea life.
Operating from Minnesota to Missouri and Illinois to Kansas, Hy-Vee, Inc., offers a diverse and high-quality seafood selection to its Midwest customers and is dedicated to maintaining these high standards as the company implements the expanded seafood policy.
“It is Hy-Vee’s mission to do business in a manner that promotes the well-being of our customers, employees, communities, and the global environment,” said Hy-Vee’s Nate Stewart, Vice President of Perishables. “We aim to be a destination for sustainable seafood, where customers can be confident that they are supporting the health of their families and that of the oceans by purchasing seafood sold at Hy-Vee.”
As part of its sourcing strategy, Hy-Vee is supporting fishery improvement projects and is engaging with suppliers to source seafood that is responsibly harvested or raised.
Hy-Vee plans to keep customers, employees, and stakeholders informed about the company’s efforts to improve the sustainability of its seafood supplies by providing information about the program on its website, at its store locations, and through featured articles in its quarterly Seasons magazine.

“So far the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch red listing has not affected our business, but as the negative listing gains traction with organizations like Hy-Vee, I am sure it eventually will,” said Louisiana fisherman Lance Nacio, owner of Anna Marie Shrimp.
The company also plans to launch a customer education program for its service case, whereby fresh seafood items that meet the procurement policy will receive a ‘Responsible Choice’ call-out.
“Hy-Vee is taking significant steps to improve the sustainability of its seafood offerings and is establishing itself as a leader in this field,” said FishWise Project Manager Ashley Greenley. “We are excited to work with them on their journey towards responsibly sourced seafood.” A key example of Hy-Vee’s commitment towards sustainability was its transition away from Russian king crab, a fishery that has been overexploited and is subject to high levels of Illegal, Unregulated, and Unreported (IUU) fishing, in favor of U.S. king crab fisheries in Alaska, which have healthy stocks and strong management.
The agreement between Hy-Vee, Inc. and FishWise is consistent with the Common Vision for Environmentally Sustainable Seafood, a guide to environmentally responsible seafood for businesses developed by more than fifteen ocean conservation organizations.
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