Tag: Sustainable Texas Oyster Resource Management

Texas Supreme Court Ruling Keeps Oysters Under State Control

Texas Supreme Court Ruling Keeps Oysters Under State Control

A storm that brewed in Galveston Bay for the past four-years over the ownership of Texas oyster production rights has finally subsided. A Texas Supreme Court ruling and new legislation has effectively shuddered the Chamber-Liberty Counties Navigation District (CLCND) claim to lease submerged bottomland to Sustainable Texas Oyster Resource Management (STORM) for the purpose of growing oysters.

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Texas Attorney General Files Oyster Lawsuit Against Chambers Liberty County Navigation District and STORM

Texas Attorney General Files Oyster Lawsuit Against Chambers Liberty County Navigation District and STORM

Storm clouds circling Galveston Bay have collided releasing what promises to be a hurricane of paperwork, legal wrangling and an inevitable end to the “Battle for the Bay” that has for more than a year compromised oyster production, damaged businesses and hurt the American oyster consumer.

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Storm Brews in Galveston Bay Over Oyster Lease

Storm Brews in Galveston Bay Over Oyster Lease

There is a storm churning the waters of Galveston Bay that could affect the supply of Gulf oysters throughout the five Gulf States, as well as well national and international markets.

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